Tutorial: How to change UI language for Windows 7 Professional
By default, the ability to change the UI language is only found in the Ultimate version of Windows 7. Those with the misfortune of buying a PC preinstalled with Windows 7 Professional, me included, did not have this ability. I decided that I had to replace the Japanese UI with an English one, and the only way was to hack it. Here’s how I did it;
Download the language pack that you want to install from here
Run CMD as administrator and type:
DISM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:[path to lp.cab];
eg. C:\DISM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\Documents\Downloads\lp.cab
bcdedit /set {current} locale (your new locale)
eg. C:\bcdedit /set {current} locale en-US
bcdboot %WinDir% /l (your new locale)
eg. C:\bcdboot %WinDir% /l en-US
Then in registry:
remove the key of the current language (in my case, jp-JP
Reboot and you should boot up in the language of your choice.
I created this tutorial mainly for my personal use. I am not responsible if something happens to your machines. If your machine/network/toaster/etc breaks down because you followed this guide, it is entirely your fault. If you point your finger at me, I will laugh at you.