Dzulqarnain Nasir

  • October 09, 2013

    Display Mode Detection for Responsive Websites using AngularJS

    I’ve recently started using AngularJS in a project I’m currently working on. So far, AngularJS has been great, and I’ve especially enjoyed building my own custom directives.

    Here’s one I’m using to determine the current display mode for responsive websites.

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  • September 23, 2013

    Implementing Custom Checkbox List Property in EPiServer CMS 7

    In one of my recent projects, I’ve had to implement a property that displays a list of checkboxes so the administrator could select an item to enable from the list of available options. I googled around for a bit and came across this article by Linus Ekström.

    This is my implementation.

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  • September 13, 2013

    CacheManager for EPiServer CMS 7 Now Live!

    Geta has just released an updated version of CacheManager for EPiServer CMS 7. It has been rebuilt from scratch to take advantage of ASP.NET MVC, now fully supported by EPiServer CMS.


    • One-click cache clear - Clear EPiServer site cache with just one click.
    • Selective cache entry deletion – Select and delete individual cache entries.
    • Cache entry value display – View a string representation of cache entries.
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  • August 15, 2013

    Adding Or Preserving Hash Values When Using Response.Redirect() For IE

    I recently ran into a small problem in one of my projects. I have some code that would open up the user login UI when the URL contains a few specific parameters, which are defined as hash parameters.

    One of the tasks assigned to me needed me to redirect the user to the same page, but with the login UI activated, when they want to do something that required them to be authenticated. Naturally, I went ahead and used the Response.Redirect() method and appended the hash parameters to the end of the current URL. Then I ran my usual tests.

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  • August 06, 2013

    jQuery Cascading Dropdown Plugin Hits Version 1.2.0

    Just a quick heads up, my jQuery Cascading Dropdown plugin is now updated!

    Here’s a list of changes.

    • Added onReady event that gets triggered when all dropdowns are fully initialised, including dynamically loaded dropdowns.
    • Added onChange event that gets triggered whenever a dropdown value changes.
    • Added source option property for defining dropdown data source. This can be an array, an array of objects, or a function.
    • Added setSelected method to set the selected dropdown item from code.
    • onChange event for a single dropdown now passes in the event object and the current values of required dropdowns.
    • Removed textKey and valueKey. Use the source option to handle Ajax data.
    • Methods can now be called using the plugin and passing in the method as string, along with additional parameters.

    Check it out on the project Github page.