Dzulqarnain Nasir

jQuery Cascading Dropdown Plugin Hits Version 1.2.0

August 06, 2013 | 0 Minute Read

Just a quick heads up, my jQuery Cascading Dropdown plugin is now updated!

Here’s a list of changes.

  • Added onReady event that gets triggered when all dropdowns are fully initialised, including dynamically loaded dropdowns.
  • Added onChange event that gets triggered whenever a dropdown value changes.
  • Added source option property for defining dropdown data source. This can be an array, an array of objects, or a function.
  • Added setSelected method to set the selected dropdown item from code.
  • onChange event for a single dropdown now passes in the event object and the current values of required dropdowns.
  • Removed textKey and valueKey. Use the source option to handle Ajax data.
  • Methods can now be called using the plugin and passing in the method as string, along with additional parameters.

Check it out on the project Github page.