June 10, 2014
Integrating Grunt into ASP.NET projects
Grunt is an awesome JavaScript task runner. It enables you to automate various tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, etc. Learn how to integrate it into your ASP.NET projects here:
Read “Integrating Grunt into ASP.NET projects” on the Geta blog
March 13, 2014
LESS Tips For Moar
I’ve used LESS for a little over two years now, and I just thought I’d share the things I’ve learnt about LESS that has helped me be more efficient and productive when working on the front-end.
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December 25, 2013
Angular Date Parser
Lately I’ve been working a lot with date and time pickers, and it got me thinking, “Why doesn’t Angular come with some form of date and time parser that converts strings into a JavaScript Date object.” I mean, you could already convert Date objects into formatted strings using the Angular dateFilter, so why not the other way around? Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to convert strings into Date objects using a particular format, and in many cases for us in Europe, locale.
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December 06, 2013
Angular Timepicker Directive
I was searching for a simple timepicker directive, much like the one used in Google Calendar, for one of my projects. I couldn’t find any, so I built my own.
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November 04, 2013
Scope Inheritance in AngularJS
As I continue my journey into the Angular world, I come across many new and awesome things. One very interesting thing Angular has got going for it is the use of scopes.
Scope inheritance in Angular works very much like JavaScript’s prototypal inheritance. Child scopes have access to their respective parent scopes, changes in the parent scope can trigger event listeners in the child scope, so on and so forth. It’s pretty straight forward, up until the moment you need to do some “two-way binding” from within the child scope.
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